Monday, January 9, 2023

apex glock 19 trigger

Apex Glock 19 Trigger - Apex Tactical is perhaps best known for their Smith & Wesson M&P bangswitch cleaning kit, although their initial success stemmed from their popular work on Smith revolvers. As the company grew, they gradually added a variety of footwear and recently branched out into other sports arenas. But recently, they have gone with the biggest platform out there, the GLOCK brand GLOCK…

I've tried putting the Apex Trigger on every Smith & Wesson assault rifle I shoot in my hand, including Shields, Sigmas, and M&Ps. Every tool works brilliantly on this gun, especially the old M&P that came with one of the worst factory triggers imaginable. However, the path to GLOCK perfection was a little different.

Apex Glock 19 Trigger

Apex Glock 19 Trigger

First, the market is jam-packed with companies that make Gaston wundergun triggers. Second, GLOCK triggers, in my opinion, never needed as much cleaning as the M&Z. Of course, you can fix them, but they've started a clean and pretty clean life with one of the best, most sensible sounds out there. In fact, when Apex sent me triggers to test, I was a bit disappointed, as I actually prefer factory triggers. Except for one.

Glock 19x With A Fancy New Apex Tactical Trigger. I Can't Wait To Try It At The Range.

I've never had the pleasure of hearing the factory GLOCK trigger finger. The laces are slightly open at the top of the shoe causing hot spots on my toes. Usually growing six pounds or so takes off. After a few hundred rounds, I usually have a few dimples on my fingers. It's not the end of the world, but definitely not an experience I wanted to have.

If nothing else, the Apex's sharp trigger provides a comfortable and ergonomic shooting experience. The safety bar is still present, but easily deactivated, and has been moved to a recessed position in the padded shoe. This is a huge improvement in my opinion, and it immediately makes the gun much better to shoot.

Mounting the GLOCK Apex Trigger is actually much easier than mounting it on an S&W pistol as you only need to remove the trigger assembly and replace it with the Apex trigger. Apex only offers triggers or triggers with Gen 3 Trigger Bars for GLOCK Gen4 users. Just download the weapon using the simple video above, then follow it to install. Even though I have a Gen3 GLOCK 19, I decided to go with the trigger barrel and trigger, as removing the factory trigger from my gun would destroy the factory trigger completely. If I have to go back, I will wake up.

Because of this decision, switching triggers is a ten-minute affair. As part of the upgrade package, I also decided to use the updated safety booster. The entire development took less than thirty minutes, and didn't require as much precision as an M&P kit.

Duty Series Glock 48 9mm, Complete Package With Apex Tactical Trigger And Trijicon Rmr Cc Optic

Since I wanted to use my GLOCK Apex'd against one of them, I called RF, and he immediately provided a beefed-up Gen 4 GLOCK 19 for use in my unit. For full disclosure, I installed the Apex Trigger on Gen 3 and my gun control is Gen 4. I couldn't feel/taste/smell much of a difference, and my test results show them to be very similar.

The first bench-based test is the trigger pull. After ten pulls on the trigger, I was able to record an average weight of 6.36 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.16. Putting the Apex'd GLOCK through the same testing protocol resulted in an average weight of 5.76 pounds with a standard deviation of 0.11. Beyond the last doubt, I can say that the Apex gear has reduced the weight to a manageable but safe level. Prior to changing the trigger on my rifle I had to regularly apply over six pounds so I believe the Apex kit will reduce the weight required for the rifle to stand up to a reasonable amount, but still be very secure.

The second bench test measures the movement of the two factors at different levels of engagement. It would be a very scientific process if I had Jeremy's excellent DVORAK TriggerScan, but sadly I'm a poor country boy with a Caliper set. I measured some distances with calipers relative to possible directions of travel and found the distance between those points at different points. The first test point is the safety engagement phase where the blade is depressed all the way, but the trigger doesn't move very far. The second measuring point is the "wall" where you can start to feel the first resistance. This is usually called the holding distance. For GLOCK Gen 4 stock, this provides 244 inches of travel. The GLOCK Apex'd is shorter by a full tenth of an inch at 141 inches.

Apex Glock 19 Trigger

Since I couldn't measure the exact break point, the next best gauge I could find was to squeeze the trigger the full distance of travel and measure at what is usually called an over-stop. The distance between this point and the aforementioned wall is what I call the entire trigger zone. For GLOCK stock, this range is 0.116. The GLOCK Apex'd is 0.021 inches, about a tenth of an inch shorter.

Best Glock Triggers [hands On Tested]

The final measurement is measuring the distance from the apex to the recovery "click". For the stock GLOCK this distance is 0.132 inches while the GLOCK Apex'd is about a tenth of an inch shorter at 0.039.

As you can see, grip, engagement and recoil distance all reduce by about a tenth of an inch for stock. What this means to some degree is that the time intervals (time between shots) are closer together and the time of the first shot may be faster as a product because the trigger finger has to move less to do the same job. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video should be worth a million.

With the camera in one place, and the gun almost in the same place, here's a video of Apex'd GLOCK.

At work, around my house, and outdoors, I'm very impressed with how the Apex'd GLOCK feels in my hand. Apex has begun modifying existing trigger shoes to create a shoe that looks and feels more familiar to those familiar with the 1911 platform. This appears to improve the control of the trigger shoe, and ultimately results in a much better "experience".

Glock 19 Gen 5 Includes Apex Tactical Trigger Kit, Ameriglo 411 Sights, And Holosun 507k

One of the best benefits of this incentive, and one that I recommend for attracting the most revenue is repeat security operations. As I said above, the Apex trigger that turned my GLOCK from “scabbard gauge gun” to “maybe I should load a long gun” was a huge step forward.

Other than that, it retains the good sound and smoothness and repeatability I'm used to from GLOCKs. If you drain the two guns side-by-side you can definitely confirm that there's a shorter engagement travel and shorter recoil, but the differences are minor, and hard to list right away. There is, but only a little.

After a full day of shooting both guns side by side, I was back seven yards, doing my best to control my breathing, breathing, and eye contact, and making three, five groups for each gun. The GLOCK stock has a maximum spread on the low end of 1.335 inches and 2.191 inches on the high end for an average of 1.82 inches for the three groups.

Apex Glock 19 Trigger

The GLOCK Apex'd ran via the same protocol over the same distances as the stock GLOCK and produced a group at the bottom end of 1.827 inches and 2.584 inches at the top end for an average group size of 2.13 inches, a size 16% larger than the stock GLOCK.

Apex Action Enhancement Trigger & Trigger Bar For Glock

This was a completely unexpected result considering how the trigger felt during the test fire mentioned above. The important thing to remember is that we are dealing with two different pistols from different generations. While I like to think perfection is the name of the game, I think we can all agree that some pistols shoot better than others of the same model. This is a variable I wish I had cleared, but the test I want to run will work fine with two pistols fired back.

This is the part that gets it

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